This project matters to me because I'm through the point where I must give back to the community.
I came to America to become an architect because of language barriers and financial issues I've learned to bring my gift of crafting out.
It didn't only make me become a successful businesswoman, entrepreneur, and teacher. I became the leader of all the Braiders in Illinois.
Now I took braiding to Museums, Galleries, Art Centers, University here in America and Europe sharing the beauty of the craft of braiding, the culture, The politic, the importance of natural hair, the simplicity of the craft.
My number one interest was to empower women, girls, men, and boys in embracing their natural beauty.
I first did the Nappy hair project with a Columbian lady at UIC on 57th on the city's south side.
Then I did more work because I was seeking 30 hours of Sanitation Hygiene business management and safety for my license renewal.
Working with children at Art on Sedgwick helped me realize that there is a better way I would like to implement in after-school programs by introducing braiding formally and informally to all ages of any race and any and visually impaired individuals.

Beyond the
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Projects Phases
I would like to take few Chicago trees in fall and decorate them with colorful braids and twist techniques with different materials. I will involve young volunteers throughout the city. I will recapitulate all the processes and the people involve in a booklet at the end of the project that will be at the exhibition of photographs taking by professionals in a gallery or one of the museums that will accept the project in their facilities.
Help the visually impaired individuals make the craft with different materials that we will later put the artwork on canvases and takes professional pictures of them to be in a gallery or a museum with a booklet of the experience.
A documentary about politics and culture of braiding from different parts of the continent. Story-telling video exhibition with picture booklet at the end of the project.
Help Braiders empower them with my skills and techniques as a licensed braider teacher by the state of Illinois improve their craft and branding collaborate with an architect interior designer and artist-photographer brand a traditional braiding salon in the city as an example of many more to remodeling to city code to come.
Gather all information from all these projects and open up an International Natural Cultural Braiding Museum.
The museum will help us learn about the values of the craft along with the history, the politic, culture of formal and informal braiding around the globe.
Design momentum posters, T-shirts, mugshots, Hats a much bigger booklet to recap everything gathered.
It will be more than a dream come true. I consider myself as an architect braider artist entrepreneur and leader taking this project to the end will complete my legacy for generations to come.
As a foreign, that might be my challenge and again with the vision I have, I'll say to myself "fear not" I believe the sky is the limit when you put your heart at something.